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Growers Initiative

The Growers Initiative (G.I.) is designed to connect local growers with markets. The purpose of the project includes traditional and sustainable growing practices within Navajo communities. In order, to reintroduce sustainable food systems, we need to understand our local food production. This allows local producers to lead their communities into a healthy environment and healthier life choice. This project will enable growers to access markets, and revitalize the center piece of Navajo culture, the growth of our own food systems.


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Farm to Early Childhood Education (ECE)

The Healthy Navajo Stores Initiative is working to harness the potential of small stores in Navajo Nation. These stores, ranging from convenience stores to trading posts, are often the most readily accessible source of food for community members on Navajo Nation. The Healthy Navajo Stores Initiative (HNSI) aims to increase the amounts of fruits, vegetables, and traditional Diné foods that are offered in small stores on Navajo Nation. By promoting produce and traditional Diné foods through stocking, display, and promotional changes, a Healthy Navajo Store can provide community members with healthier food options and become leaders in the effort to reclaim a healthier Navajo Nation. HNSI is facilitated by COPE and works closely with store and community partners to identify stocking and marketing changes, as well as community initiatives.


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Food and Water Policy

COPE promotes access to healthy foods and beverages in Navajo Nation by increasing community awareness of Navajo food policy and food traditions. We are focused on a range of efforts, including supporting the formation of local and regional Food Policy Councils & Wellness Councils, connecting community members on Diné Food Traditions and Farm to School initiatives, and mentoring high school youth on food literacy and communications. Our “Water First!” campaign, funded by the NB3 Foundation, promotes increased consumption of safe drinking water instead of sugar sweetened beverages, and includes steps to increase access to safe drinking water among Navajo families with preschool children and empower these families to shift toward healthier choices to help overcome obesity. Read more about Water First!.

Additionally, the Harvard Food Law and Policy Clinic, coalition partners, and COPE Program collaborated to launch “Good Laws, Good Food: Putting Food Policy to Work in the Navajo Nation.” This policy toolkit provides community food advocates and government officials an overview of food laws and policies that impact the food environment in the Navajo Nation. With the partnership of New Mexico Farm to Table, a report on "Farm to School on Navajo Nation" was developed as another resource. COPE continues to work in partnership with Navajo tribal leaders and grassroots community groups on food security and drinking water policy. Read more about the Food Law and Policy Clinic.

How You Can Help


The efforts described on this page are supported by grants to COPE 501(c)3 and grants to our partner organizations, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Partners In Health.

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