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Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program
The Fruit & Vegetable Prescription Program (FVRx) is an innovative program that partners with healthcare providers & local retailers to promote healthy eating. Here’s how it works: Clinic providers & community health workers identify families in local communities & invite them to participate. Families meet with a community outreach worker each month to learn about healthy habits. They get a monthly prescription (voucher) to buy fruits & vegetables at local stores on Navajo Nation. Participating stores are encouraged to offer a variety of fruits and vegetables, including locally-grown produce from Navajo farmers.
FVRx Flyer
Healthy Families Rack Card
Healthy Store Initiative
The Healthy Navajo Stores Initiative is working to harness the potential of small stores in Navajo Nation. These stores, ranging from convenience stores to trading posts, are often the most readily accessible source of food for community members on Navajo Nation. The Healthy Navajo Stores Initiative (HNSI) aims to increase the amounts of fruits, vegetables, and traditional Diné foods that are offered in small stores on Navajo Nation. By promoting produce and traditional Diné foods through stocking, display, and promotional changes, a Healthy Navajo Store can provide community members with healthier food options and become leaders in the effort to reclaim a healthier Navajo Nation. HNSI is facilitated by COPE and works closely with store and community partners to identify stocking and marketing changes, as well as community initiatives.
HNSI Toolkit
Happy Homes
The goal of Happy Homes is to improve child health on Navajo Nation. Happy Homes is an evidence-based program to help families start healthy habits with their pre-school aged kids. Caregivers and children learn together how to live healthier, happier lives. Changes focus on healthy eating, time spent in front of a TV or computer screen, physical activity, sleep time, gardening, and spending more time together as a family. At every meeting, families are introduced to new routines and healthy recipes to try together at home. Happy Homes is taught in 6 sessions once a month. This program has been adapted to Navajo Nation and includes information using Diné terminology. This curriculum is used in conjunction with the FVRx program.
Happy Homes Rack Card